frequently asked questions


  • What can Bantu Agency do for me?

    We are one of the kind, registered in both Australia and Zambia with our team quite knowledgeable regarding the job market on both continents. specialists at sourcing and placing candidates that can match the required role to be filled.

    Our people are the most important asset and we continue with communication even after placement.

  • Who are the Bantu candidates?

    Our people we say to them, we talk to them about their career objectives and ensure the position they are applying for is in line with this. We also recommend alternative roles where appropriate and ensure the right people are placed in the right role, benefiting both candidates and employers.

  • Why would I choose Bantu Agency?

    We have the Human Resources and Recruitment spectrum covered with affiliation with an Indigenous Recruitment Consultant and HR Consultant that has over 25 year’s experience. We are very multicultural and respect the owners of the lands we operate on.

  • Who are the Team in the Agency?

    Highly educated individuals and respected in their career fields also passionate to place individuals in the right career path.

  • Why Africa & Australia?

    The founder is born and raised in Lusaka, Zambia is a proud African and now considers Australia her home. It’s about bringing the exceptional candidates from Africa to Australia with also focusing on a global aspect. Africa market of skilled labour is exceptional and beneficial to the world and also have skills transferred back to Africa.

  • Why have beneficiaries?

    We wouldn’t be here without people supporting our business and more than happy to support those in need.

  • Why work with local work wear supplier Jatu?

    An aboriginal owned family business dedicated to providing worker solutions of the highest quality, competitively priced, to suit a wide range of workplace environments. It’s a business that supply nation certified.

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